microvita.info presents

A Quantum Theory of Microvita

editor: Frank van den Bovenkamp


The role of microvita in the nucleus of the atom (conceptual)

In Quantum Field Theory (QFT), the confined state (nucleus) is held together by so called gluons, mediating the strong force among the quarks. This constitutes the hadrons (protons and neutrons) making up the nucleus.

Like the electromagnetic field, the nuclear field is a gauge theory (rules for quantum fields in spacetime), and thus like photons, gluons are gauge bosons. But unlike the electromagnetic field, the number of particles involved is (theoreticaly) infinite. There is a fixed number of 3 real- or "valence" quarks in a hadron, but then there are an infinite number of "sea quarks" and gluons. The latter are virtual particles.

The exact structure and internal mechanism of the nucleus, rather, the hadrons, is still a mystery in quantum physics, and the subject of ongoing research and speculation. Nonetheless, effective approximations are made through so called lattice operations.

Introducing microvita theory in the nucleus almost certainly would mean introducing a type of field theory of the sea of virtual particles which is not a gauge theory in the standard sense - it must introduce a new, non-spacetime or simultaneous paradigm in nuclear physics.

Currently the nucleus is described through the Feynman diagrams of typically a shattering interaction. During the interaction, the internal equilibrium is preserved through the creation of an avalanche of virtual particles. This constitutes what is called the "off mass shell" state of the nucleus. In other words, the virtual particles only exist momentarily during an interaction, and that's of course why they are virtual.

During the interaction, virtual particles (i.e. sea quarks and gluons) are created in a cascade of ever decreasing momentum. This is obvious, as the momentum preserved is finite, whereas the number of virtual particles can be infinite.

In order to apply at least a microvita-like concept to the cascade of virtual particles in the nucleus, the "Synchronized (or Anharmonic) Path Integral (API)", based on a self-referent principle ("swabhava") may be used. The latter has in common with the Feynman approach that a quantum state can evolve over an infinite number of paths, but has the additional quality of simultaneously prescribing the exact structure of the sum total of all the paths, that is of course, the path integral.

The latter is based on synchronized phase-waves ("sub-waves" - Sarkar) constituting the path integral, but based on a new, underlying causality. This is where a "microvitic" aspect comes in, as well as the concept of the Causal Matrix of philosophy. The concept of Causal Matrix is currently not only lacking in quantum physics, as a matter of fact the Copenhagen doctrine explicitly denies the existence of an underlying quantum reality.

In other words, a new type of path integral is proposed, having two aspects: a conventional aspect where the (virtual) gauge- or sequential interactions take place, and a new aspect controlled by self-referent, simultaneous "microvitic" / subwave interactions.

This implies that most likely the current field theory of the nucleus could not facilitate a microvita type theory (as was discussed previously). A new paradigm, providing a new causality and thus an new underlying (quantum) reality must be introduced. This one could say, is the quantum implication of P.R. Sarkar's "new line of thinking".

On a somewhat deeper technical note, the distribution of a (finite) total momentum over infinite paths is readily provided by the API. A challenge would be of course, to relate this to the current field theory of virtual particles. This could be done e.g. by demonstrating how the API generates the mathematical creation- and annihilation operators acting upon the field, but probably there are also other approaches. It is also possible that the API (resp. any microvitic approach) obsoletes the use of virtual particles alltogether.


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